Newsletter Issue:

Updates to the Academic Calendar

The Spring 2024 calendar has now been posted to our website. Please take some time to review it and notice a few important changes we are introducing this coming spring:

  • The New York City residency has been split between an online component in early January, and an on-site component in New York City for a long weekend in late April, which includes a Commencement ceremony on April 21st. This residency will involve First Year students. Further details will be sent to cohort ’23 in the coming weeks.
  • Moving forward, the Commencement ceremony will be held annually in New York City in the month of April (no longer in January at either New York or Mexico City; Mexico City will remain a biannual residency site in January without the Commencement attached). As usual, everyone is encouraged to attend the Commencement ceremony. Detailed information will be sent to PhD candidates planning to graduate next year.
  • Second- and Third-Year students will travel to Madrid and Marrakech in January '24. This residency will substitute the residency in Madrid and Marrakech usually held in May for students at the end of the Third Year. We made this change mainly due to the effects of global warming, which makes it increasingly difficult to travel to such locations in the warmer months.

Please rest assured that the long-time plan has taken into account what each cohort has done in terms of residency sites and what needs to be completed, so that no one will miss any planned residency, although the order in which certain sites are visited may vary in the three-year course of study. We’ll make sure to schedule cohort-specific meetings ahead of the January residencies in due time, so that we may answer your questions.

Any questions can be directed to Simonetta Moro:

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