Newsletter Issue:

IDSVA Summer Residency Faculty


  • Simonetta Moro: Italian-born artist and director of IDSVA, Simonetta Moro will give a walking-tour history of Classical Roman architecture and aesthetics.

Spannocchia Castle, Tuscany

  • Franco (Bifo) Berardi: Leading contemporary Italian philosopher and author of The Uprising: On Poetry and Finance and After the Future, Bifo Berardi will lecture on current European art and politics.


  • Howard Caygill: Considered one of the most important European philosophers of our time, Howard Caygill will give a seminar on the aesthetics of Kant, Hegel, and Heidegger.


  • Bro Adams: Chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities, Bro Adams will lecture on Cézanne and Merleau-Ponty.


  • Sylvère Lotringer: Founder of Semiotext(e) and author of Mad Like Artaud and The Conspiracy of Art (with Jean Baudrillard), eminent French philosopherSylvère Lotringer will lecture on Nietzsche, Socrates, and the pre-Socratics.

Colby College

  • Paul Armstrong: Former dean of Brown University and author of How Literature Plays with the Brain: The Neuroscience of Literature and Art, Paul Armstrong will lecture on how the artist sees.
  • David Driskell: The David Driskell Center for the Study of the Visual Arts and Culture and the African Diaspora is located at University of Maryland, College Park. Artist-philosopher, curator, and art historian David Driskell will lecture on how to look at a work of art.
  • Nancy Princenthal: Former Senior Editor of Art in America and author of the acclaimed Agnes Martin: Her Life and Art, major American critic Nancy Princenthal will lecture on writing about art.

PLEASE NOTE: Two seats remain available for May 2016 admission, which begins in residency at Spannocchia Castle, Tuscany, and includes fieldwork in Siena and Florence and a residency intensive in Aix-en-Provence. Contact Molly Davis at or visit our admissions page for more information.

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