Newsletter Issue:

A note about Randall Stratton and the magical world of Spannocchia

Randall Stratton with IDSVA Director, Simonetta Moro, and students. 2013

How blessed all of us at IDSVA are, to have come into the special world called Spannocchia, maybe the most magical of all magical places in this world today. To be sure, there are beautiful old farms, ancient castles and villas, winding wood paths leading to green fields and poppy-speckled meadows. When we think of natural beauty, such places come to mind. For me though, what makes Spannocchia as special as it is, so different from other beautiful places in the world, can only be described as grace. Grace and kindness—these to me define Spannocchia, the spirit of Spannocchia. For so many of us at IDSVA, the ever gracious Randall Stratton epitomized that spirit, that enduring magic and beauty that always greeted the traveler upon arriving at Spannocchia. And whenever we return to that special, magical place, whenever we are lucky enough to take in the special beauty everywhere around us, the grace and spirit of Spannocchia will surely be there still, in the memory of Randall Stratton.


George Smith

Founder and President

The Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual Arts

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