Presentation: "Or Disappear into the Potter’s Ground?”: Social-Taphonomy, Environment-making Making of Rural Potter’s Fields"at the 24th North American Conference for Critical Animal Studies.
Co-author for the fall 2025 special issue of Feminist Pedagogy, titled Abolitionist Principles and Pedagogy: Teaching to Build the World Anew.
Presentation: "By the force of the poet’s imagination: A Kristevan-Heideggerian exploration of the chōra of Homeric Classical Epics and the genre of Spoken Word poetry" at the Heidegger In der Nähe des Heiligen und Göttlichen International Online Conference organized by the European Center for Heidegger Studies.
Co-Chair of 11th Transformative Justice and Abolition Criminology Conference
Presentation: "Or Disappear into the Potter’s Ground?”: Social-Taphonomy, Environment-making Making of Rural Potter’s Fields"at the 24th North American Conference for Critical Animal Studies.
Presentation: “Exploring Night Criminology: An Abstract Examination through Poetry and Visual Arts” and “The Need for Zines: A Feminist Convict Criminological Theoretical Perspective on Zines, Poetry, and the Aesthetics of Abolition” at the American Criminology Society Conference in San Francisco, CA
Presentation: "On a Day of Dark Disgrace: Poetic Inquiry Criminology, Imagination, and the Critique through Oscar Wilde’s 'Ballad of Reading Gaol' as Auto-Ethnography" at the 2024 Rise Up Conference.
Presentation of the paper "Phonetic Poetics and the Subversion of Schumann’s Poietic Law: A Heideggerian Inquiry through Hugo Ball’s Gadji Beri Bimba" at the Martin Heidegger Dichten – Denken – Danken Poetizing – Thinking – Thanking by the European Center of Heideggerian Studies. September 2024.
Solo Exhibition "Bad Coffee Shop Art for Coffee Shops Art Show" at the Divine Echoes Esoterica, Minnesota. May 2024.
Publication: Poetic Inquiry Criminology: Opportunities for imaginative scholarship, healing, and transformative justice. ASC DCS Handbook on Prison and Jails. Dietsche, L. Kilmer,A. 2023.
Publication: Poetry: Green Theory and Praxis Journal. Volume 15, Issue 1. November 2023.
Chaired the 10th Annual Transformative Justice and Abolition Criminology Conference via zoom on February 9,2024.
Featured Artist in the exhibition "Shattered Psyche's 2023 World Artists in the Spotlight" at the Stope, Kirkland Lake, Ontario, Canada.